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Learn before marriage how women in Ukraine spend money

allwomen What is money? Money is a ground of your financial life. It provides with opportunities almost in every field from a tasty dinner and an expensive car to an education for your children and travelling all over the world. It goes without saying that the ability to earn money is very much appreciated but the ability to manage it is equally important.

Probably you notice that men and women spend their money in different ways and it takes both sides to tell the truth when you try to determine whose way is the best possible. You can be even surprised by some of the ways used by your partner but as a general rule every expense can qualify for right to exist. So what should you expect from your Ukrainian bride-to-be?

You can start arguing but you will have to agree that it is more expensive to be a woman. One of the reasons for this conclusion is that a woman is accepted at her face and body value first. You can insist that there is a range of articles of beauty products and cosmetic procedures for males. Would you like to start a list with those areas, which should be cared by your woman? The women spend huge amounts on makeup, skincare products, moisturizers, rejuvenators and other. They have to visit massage parlour, SPA centers , gyms, hairdressing saloon. Do you think your hard-earned cash is wasted in this way? You hardly do. To the contrary, you are proud of the beauty of your lady and admire her silky skin, slim thighs and perfect hairdo. For sure you have already known that Ukrainian women look after themselves and you are expected to support this budget. Still not all of them are so demanding as to salon visits on a daily basis and can replace it with homecare saving your money.

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The Ukrainian women spend enough time and money on buying of clothes and they will be glad to see you participating in this process. It is not the rule but you can be expected to offer your wife money for a gross purchase like a fur coat or jewelry. The shopping can be applied as a good therapy both by a woman and a man. Still the women are weaker in this regard and can spend money on the things they do not really need. The food can fulfil the same function – just enhance the mood. There are a lot of tasty confectioneries in Ukraine so there is enough temptation to drain purse.

The Ukrainian women can give to charities. Not all of them but there is a growth trend related to this activity. It does not depend on the income level, both the wealthy women and women with modest means give. Generally excepted, that ladies are more generous than men, that is why you should be ready to discuss such issues with your bride-to-be. Another personal touch of Ukrainian woman is their accuracy with credits that is why you can expect from your partner her prompt actions to pay back loans duly. It also can be regarded as expenditure in the current moment. Mind that a woman from Ukraine prefers men without bad debts or those who handle the debt repayments if still there is one.


The important spending pattern is gifts. There are several special days per year for men and women when they spend more money than their significant others. The surprising thing is that on Valentine’s Day men spend almost twice as much as women. We believe they buy more expensive presents for their ladies and not for different girls.

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Of course the sex is one of the expenditure lines. Your woman can buy sexy clothes and needed things, ask a massage therapist for you at home or order some unusual ritual with sex effect. It can influence your common budget but usually she spends her own money on these events, though more likely you will be interested in this activity and buy something attractive for her.

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